Monday, 27 January 2014

I'm a Mommy ~ Kiara Joss-Lynn Kuczko

Where to begin?? For starters I'm sitting here with my arms full of love, filled by my daughter. Kiara Joss-Lynn Kuczko was born 7 days ago on January 21st/2014 at 12:43pm after 15 hours of labour, weighing 6 pounds & 10 ounces. She is perfection. The second she came out & was laid on my chest my life changed forever. I was flooded with a new love I had never experienced. After 39 weeks of pregnancy I had my girl. As I gazed down at her tiny body and sweet face my heart ached with such pride that I thought I might actually burst and honestly that robust feeling has not subsided at all. There have been so many emotions since welcoming Kiara into our lives & for each one I am grateful because her presence has amplified my love & gratitude for LIFE. 

Again I find myself thanking the heavens above for the blessings that have come into my life. I find myself accounting for every decision & choice I have made (good & bad) that has brought me to this moment right here & right now. I stare down at my beautiful daughter as I attempt to put into words what a gift motherhood is to me, what a gift she is to me... My mind goes to when I was diagnosed with cancer & how REAL life became in those moments. I remember not thinking about loosing the battle against cancer but thinking about how I would live when I WON the battle. I promised myself I would walk through my days with passion, gratitude & optimism & that nothing could stand in my way. All challenges accepted. That I would love hard & fill my life with joy as completely as I possibly could. I promised that when I survived, I would be worthy of surviving. Right here, right now, amongst all of accomplishments, setbacks, joys, heart aches, obstacles overcome, choices made, goals made, goals reached, experiences lived - I feel confident saying I DO live the way I promised I would. 

Now I have the incredible honor of showing Kiara & helping her experience how wonderful life is. 

Kiara will be taught gratitude for life too. I will instil in her that she is capable of absolutely anything and can attain anything that she works hard for. That her decisions shape & mold her life and in return how she enjoys her life. She will know that she is beautiful, inside & out. Her differences will be celebrated & her ambitions will be supported. She will never ever doubt her mom & dads love for her. She will be encouraged to learn new things every chance she gets & to always have an open mind. I'm already sure she will be strong in mind, body, nature & heart. 

Happy 1st week of LIFE my sweet girl, I love you to England & back.



Thursday, 16 January 2014

Almost A Mommy

38 Weeks and 3 days pregnant today. I am just in awe at how fast this has gone by. It is almost over. Such a strange feeling as I run my hands over my baby bump, feeling her stir in my belly as my hands glide over my now flat and slightly outtie belly button, I know the time is near that I wont have her with me every second of every day. I have been so in love with our growth together, each week as she has hit milestones in her development my body has changed to accommodate and support her. Incredible. I'm emotional and teary just thinking of how much of a miracle it is. The times I have sat and thought of it with a smile on my face have been countless, I am beyond grateful. In fact, grateful seems to be far too simple of a term to express it. From thinking that due to the aggressive chemotherapy I had endured to beat cancer ruined my chance at becoming a Mommy, to 9 months pregnant and on the verge of meeting my sweet daughter any day. The hurt in my heart that I felt when that might be taken from me has been filled with this miracle and although I know I would have coped with not becoming a Mommy, I now cant think of my life any other way than AS her Mommy.

The millions of thoughts that cross my mind so close to her arrival are endless. I could literally go on and on... From the more regular thoughts of hoping she is perfectly healthy, what she will look like, what colour her hair will be, how tiny her toes will be... to carefully thought out mommy concerns like how I will do during labour, how I will do with breastfeeding, will I know her sounds and cues when she needs something... I hope she knows how lucky I feel to be her Mommy. I hope that even when I am struggling that she knows I am always doing my very best for her.

I laid in bed with Steve the other night after packing her diaper bag and our hospital bag feeling SO calm and so ready to have her. I asked Steve, "Are you nervous?" Not knowing exactly how he would respond my heart was so lifted when he responded, "Not really. I think we will be good babe, we will do good babe." I know that he is just as excited as I am, and even though we both show it differently, our hearts are in the same place. His calmness made mine feel even more comfortable. This is just one of the reasons I married him. 

Of course there have been ups and downs with pregnancy, but if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, it's mind over matter and really comes down to how your attitude is towards it. You don't have to embrace pregnancy but from my experience (even in the tough moments) it has certainly made it more enjoyable. My leg has definitely been the most difficult aspect of pregnancy. It started at the beginning with severe fatigue and now at the end with extreme fatigue mixed with the pressure points in my prosthetic socket so severe that I am forced to be sitting almost all of the time. I'm sure any woman who has gone though pregnancy can relate to fatigue and also to discomfort on different levels. I've had my few moments of frustration, lacking activity has always been a sensitive area for me, losing ability to be as mobile or active as I like to be is crushing. Luckily, there is always her presence that fills me with so much happiness and gratitude that it outweighs the frustration I feel about sitting going stir crazy, missing my busy life, any pain or yucky symptoms and really missing my physical fitness and training. She has been my light and such a joy to carry with me for these last 38+ weeks.

I'm so thankful for the support I've felt from family and friends during this time. My mum & mum-in-law. Also to the incredible mommies who have reached out, sharing their experiences, sharing positivity and the mommies in my life that I am close to and have reached out to for advice. I also cant leave out my lovely mommy-to-be friends that I have been lucky enough to share some of this journey with, what a blessing you have been!

I am truly overwhelmed with love.