Monday, 27 January 2014

I'm a Mommy ~ Kiara Joss-Lynn Kuczko

Where to begin?? For starters I'm sitting here with my arms full of love, filled by my daughter. Kiara Joss-Lynn Kuczko was born 7 days ago on January 21st/2014 at 12:43pm after 15 hours of labour, weighing 6 pounds & 10 ounces. She is perfection. The second she came out & was laid on my chest my life changed forever. I was flooded with a new love I had never experienced. After 39 weeks of pregnancy I had my girl. As I gazed down at her tiny body and sweet face my heart ached with such pride that I thought I might actually burst and honestly that robust feeling has not subsided at all. There have been so many emotions since welcoming Kiara into our lives & for each one I am grateful because her presence has amplified my love & gratitude for LIFE. 

Again I find myself thanking the heavens above for the blessings that have come into my life. I find myself accounting for every decision & choice I have made (good & bad) that has brought me to this moment right here & right now. I stare down at my beautiful daughter as I attempt to put into words what a gift motherhood is to me, what a gift she is to me... My mind goes to when I was diagnosed with cancer & how REAL life became in those moments. I remember not thinking about loosing the battle against cancer but thinking about how I would live when I WON the battle. I promised myself I would walk through my days with passion, gratitude & optimism & that nothing could stand in my way. All challenges accepted. That I would love hard & fill my life with joy as completely as I possibly could. I promised that when I survived, I would be worthy of surviving. Right here, right now, amongst all of accomplishments, setbacks, joys, heart aches, obstacles overcome, choices made, goals made, goals reached, experiences lived - I feel confident saying I DO live the way I promised I would. 

Now I have the incredible honor of showing Kiara & helping her experience how wonderful life is. 

Kiara will be taught gratitude for life too. I will instil in her that she is capable of absolutely anything and can attain anything that she works hard for. That her decisions shape & mold her life and in return how she enjoys her life. She will know that she is beautiful, inside & out. Her differences will be celebrated & her ambitions will be supported. She will never ever doubt her mom & dads love for her. She will be encouraged to learn new things every chance she gets & to always have an open mind. I'm already sure she will be strong in mind, body, nature & heart. 

Happy 1st week of LIFE my sweet girl, I love you to England & back.



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