Tuesday, 2 July 2013

First Trimester (Weeks 1-13)6 pack to baby pack! (Baby body progress pics)

Week 4!

Week 5!

Week 6! (Feeling BLOATED) 

Week 7!

Week 8!

Week 9! (June 23rd/13) 
(Day after Nationals & consuming half a large pizza LOL race made me VERY hungry, feeling a bit bloated in this pic, rightfully so!) 

10 weeks 6 Days & BUMPING!!! (July 6th/13) 
This week I felt some serious growth in the baby bump department. It may not be super noticeable to others, but to me this bump is poppin', or at least beginning too ;) 

11 weeks & 6 days! (July 14th/2013) Tomorrow I'm 12 weeks!!!!! Yeeeee!!!! I'm so excited, Steve & I even have our 12 week doctors appointment tomorrow & it includes an ultra sound. Can't wait to see our baby for the 2nd time. I forgot to take a proper baby body progress pic this week so here's one from our boating day today :) my bump is still pretty teeny tiny but definitely poking out!

It's OFFICIAL! (July 16th/2013) I was 12 weeks yesterday! This pic was taken today at 12 weeks 2 days :) right before a morning HIIT workout at my (messy) home gym (we're renovating our master bedroom & adding a ensuite bathroom to it, so all of my stuff from our bedroom has taken over my work out space) 

13 Weeks 3 Days (July 24th/2013) this pic was taken at nighttime after dinner. My little baby belly varies SO much depending on time of day & what I have eaten. Today I have drank 3 litres of water (normal) & eaten 5 clean meals. The bump is poking out in this pic WAY more than it was this morning when I woke up. HI Kuczko babe!!! XoXo 

13 Weeks & 5 Days (July 27th/2013) thought my bump was looking extra cute in my Lulu's :) Some outfits still make me feel like I'm just bloated lol but for some reason in my workout clothes I feel the best :) 

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