Tuesday, 2 July 2013

MY, personal & honest, post Cancer, post chemotherapy, post leg amputation, 27 year old triathlete, story of “trying” to get pregnant. I am a mommy-to-be!

May 2013 - I really wanted to start a blog about this but because I consider it quite private I have decided to log my thoughts until I either get pregnant, decide to stop trying to get pregnant or I guess have another reason so post it all. Today is Tuesday May 14th/2013. I have officially been “trying” to get pregnant since April/2013. What brought me to trying to become a parent now is kind of a long story but I’m going to sum it up in short terms for you. In August 2004 I was diagnosed with bone cancer in my right leg, I started chemotherapy in September 2004, had my right leg amputated above the knee in October 2004 and completed chemotherapy in late December 2004. After I finished chemotherapy and had lost a huge amount of weight (I started chemo at 125lbs and finished chemo at about 90lbs) I started physical rehabilitation and the process of becoming healthy again. Chemotherapy had absolutely kicked my ass physically.

One of the major repercussions of chemotherapy was that I stopped getting my period. Once I finished treatment I began to get hot flashes, I made sure to make my doctors aware of all the symptoms I was having and after some blood work the conclusion that they came to was that I might have been going through the early stages of menopause (this was 2005 and I was 19 years old). I was put on birth control to mimic hormones I was missing and hopefully to get my period back and end the side effects I was feeling. After a few months it worked, I got my period and was feeling relatively normal. As few years went by with normal periods but I still wondered if I would be able to get my period if I wasn’t on birth control, being curious, I stopped taking the pill. Within a couple months I got my period naturally. Awesome. I was now somewhat convinced that I would be able to have a baby one day. I went back on the pill.

Fast forward to 2008 I started dated my now husband, Steve. By 2011 Steve and I were engaged and talking about having a family in the future. Knowing that even an average woman can have difficulty getting pregnant I stopped taking the pill in 2012. I began to wonder what my odds of getting pregnant actually were after everything my body had been put through in my battle with beating cancer. I spoke to my GP and he had some blood work done on me that would give him some insight. The blood work came back questionable so he then sent me to a doctor that specialized in fertility and reproduction for more tests and further analysis. The results that I received where and are as followed in April 2013, my body doesn’t produce that same hormones that an average 27 year old female, in fact my body produces hormones of that of a female 10 years my senior and also that I have a lower egg count than I should have. (Forgive me for the total NON-DOCTOR terms). Steve and I were married February 2nd/2013. I should add that in 2012 I also became very active making the goal for myself to become a triathlete. I competed in my first sprint distance triathlon in March 2013. My ultimate goal is to compete at the 2016 Rio Paralympics in Sprint Distance Triathlon. Being involved in sport is not something new to me, I have played sports my whole life, love them gym and love a challenge, but being a competitive paratriatlete is new to me so it is something that I take great pride in and care of. I eat very well and take meticulous care of my body, yes I drink occasionally slip, lack sleep and overdo it just like everyone else but it is rare. I am very in tune with my body and notice changes almost immediately. I talk to my physiotherapist, doctors, my coach and any professional that can help me maintain my good health on a regular basis. Other than my fertility issues I am healthy as a horse. I feel amazing, especially since I have become even more active as a triathlete.

After getting my full results back and discussing my fertility issues with both my fertility specialist and my GP, my husband, my mom and my coach, Steve and I decided that it was in our best interest to start trying. We definitely both want to be parents, if it is possible. That is what brings me to today. My original goal was to train my ass off, make the 2016 Rio Paralympics and medal and then start a family. Steve was also completely on board with this plan, we enjoy our freedom and were really in not rush what-so-ever to become parents so quickly after the wedding. BUT as usual my life medically had a bit of a different take on this plan. Because of my egg reserve and hormone level waiting another 3 years or any years in that matter decreases my chances of getting pregnant significantly. The thought of not being a mom (with some serious soul searching within myself, and of course careful thought on Steve’s behalf) was not something we were willing to risk not even trying for. So being off of the pill for a little over a year now and being quite regular I charted what I thought were my ovulation days and we gave it a first go! I am expected to get my period in 6 days. My boobs are swollen, I feel kind of bloated (but not as much as usual) and I’m tired as hell. These are also signs of early pregnancy, so when I had a check up with my GP yesterday to make sure I was healthy and go over baby making plans he had me have a pregnancy test. The results were negative, it could be too soon to tell, but it’s also a long shot to get pregnant for an average person your first month trying to conceive, let alone for someone with fertility issues like myself, it’d basically be a miracle. I’d love to say I was ok with getting the not pregnant results, but I cried. When anyone is trying for something to happen and it doesn’t, there is always disappointment.

I think that the reason I had chosen to wait so long to have a baby) in the first place was because I truly in my heart feel like it may not happen for me and if I don’t try I can’t have the devastation of trying and it not happening. Now I have chosen to try I have put myself in a vulnerable positive where I can be heartbroken every single month by a negative test result. This is not something I would chose for myself, but it is my life, and if I want to be a mommy one day I need to just put myself out there and give it all I’ve got.

Monday May 13th – Took a pregnancy test at doctor’s office because I am feeling super tired and my boobs are suddenly swollen and sore – Test comes out negative

Sunday May 19th – Convinced something is up with my body I take another pregnancy test at my mum’s Rodeo weekend BBQ – Test come positive. SHOCKED. Steve and I stop on the way home and buy two more pregnancy tests of two different types. BOTH come out positive.

Tuesday May 21stSo today was my first day back to real reality, as yesterday was a holiday and the tail end of May Long Weekend. I took Friday, Saturday, Sunday AND Monday off of training, didn’t actually intend on taking Monday off but then felt lazy and did anyway. Then today, Tuesday, woke up SO exhausted it actually felt like I had taken multiple Gravol or sleeping pills.  Slept in until almost 8:30am, which is unheard of for me. Struggled to get motivated and just felt completely sapped of all energy. I should have been training today!!! Had a prosthetic appointment with Dave that went great and also booked an appointment to see my GP for tomorrow to confirm the pregnancy. If this is for real, which hasn’t sunk into me yet, I need to find a way to get my training in, take care of Back 40 (mine and my husband’s business) and keep myself, our household and our lives together. I did it all before, why not now? Well I don’t know how much you know about amputees but being an above knee (which is what I am) I use or burn about 60-75% more energy than the average person. Now to add that my body is building another human being inside adds a little more “effort” to my system, no doubt wearing it down faster on an average day. That’s not even adding in my training, (swimming, biking, running and strength training),  1-3 hours a day, 6 days a week. IF my doctor confirms what I already think I know, that I have a baby on board, I am going to have to reconfigure training to make sure I do it at times when my energy is best, for the most part. And so I wait until tomorrow...

May 22ndSo today will be my first day of training knowing that I have a baby inside of me. I say it that way because I trained all last week and the weeks before not knowing. (Today is also my first doctor’s appointment to confirm that I am actually pregnant, because honestly I really still don’t believe it.) I slept like a baby last night. I was exhausted yesterday and had mild bouts of dizziness and nausea. The one thing I have noticed is that I have had bad phantom pains the last 4 nights in a row, phantom pains are nerve pains I get in my since amputation and is very common for amputees, I however, rarely get them so having them 4 nights in a row has been irritating and odd. Either way, I managed to fall asleep and when I did, I slept like a 27 year old baby, didn’t wake up once, and woke up groggy but rested. I also felt more rested this morning than I did yesterday. I immediately went downstairs to the washroom, washed my face and put on my leg. Headed right to the kitchen to make my breakfast and cup of tea. (I read that caffeine can be harmful to the baby and it is good to stay under 200-300mg a day, so instead of my usual two or three cups of triple espresso, I’m stuck with tea. Lame, but whatever is best for baby is best for me. I put myself into a mental time frame that I had 1 hour to eat my breakfast, enjoy my tea and then go do a HIIT session, today will be cardio on my elliptical mixed with strength training my upper body. I’ve done some homework and have read it is important to keep my heart rate under 140, keep my body temperature as low and also stay hydrated. I still need to speak to my GP, my coach and possibly a more specialized doctor about how hard I can and cannot push myself during pregnancy. Right now I am in the midst of training for Nationals (June 23rd in Edmonton Alberta). This will be my second triathlon, but a big one for me as I am hoping to lay down a competitive time. My original plan would have worked better if it took us longer to get pregnant, ideally in September when my events for this season were over, but apparently my body had a different plan. As usual J

Just finished my first workout J it went great. I was a bit nervous and to be honest I goggled a few things as I trained, wondering if everything I was doing was OK for baby. I have read mix things about heart rate, some say rate is measured by what you can handle as an active person or athlete and some readings had said that you shouldn’t go over 140. I have a hard time staying under 140. I also read that ab workouts are a no during pregnancy and then also read that it is very good for you to do ab work during pregnancy, in fact you can do all ab work in your first trimester, the change is that you can’t do any ab work that requires you to lay on your back in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Feeling great and refueling with a blueberry protein shake as I write this J


May 23rdMy doctor’s appointment yesterday went great J Now I’m 4/4 pregnancy test positive LOL I’m approximately 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a rough due date of January 24th 2014. I couldn’t be happier but still have a huge feeling that this isn’t real, or that it will just go away. I know the miscarriage rate in the first trimester is about 25-30%... My doctor was wonderful and told me I could continue training as long as I didn’t over do it or try to push my endurance level past what I am already doing. It’s important to maintain it. The 140 heart rate thing isn’t exactly accurate for every mommy to be. Even with the permission to train given, I still found myself not pushing as hard as I usually do, and being safe.


May 28thSo I’m starting to allow the pregnancy to sink in and let myself get excited. I have my first ultrasound booked to get our baby’s due and hear the heart beat for the first time! I can’t tell you how excited I am for that and I can tell Steve is excited too. It’s funny how something that can be so UNPLANNED can become something so incredible. I mean medically and body wise I’m pretty used to things going wrong, on one hand... On the other hand and looking at it from a much more positive stand point, I’m also used to my body beating the odds and overcoming obstacles. I can honestly say that nothing in my life has made me feel more powerful and superhuman than getting pregnant. Not beating cancer. Not overcoming losing my leg. Not my first triathlon. When I was told it would be very difficult or maybe not even possible for me to get pregnant I can truly say I never thought I would be sitting here, after only “trying” for a month, PREGNANT. This happiness and joy I feel in my heart is indescribable. The motivation I felt to achieve in life is now amplified by the knowledge that one day I will have a son or daughter looking up to what I do each and every day. The fact that I will have a person to help shape and grow is incredible.

On that note, my workouts have been fantastic. I’m more focused than ever. I am definitely training at about 80% as opposed to my pre pregnancy 110%, but that is only because I am consciously caring for my growing babe. I think about the little babe constantly, throughout the day and especially when I am training, but it isn’t in a stressed out way... it’s in a calm knowing way. A way that motivated me even on the days when this first trimester has me feeling EXHAUSTED and when I get feel nauseas, the little babe pushes me to take care of my body how I always do. This is a good thing considering I have the “2013 Paratriathlon National Championships” on June 22nd, just over three short weeks away. I’m competing with baby on board J my last race was UBC, finishing time of 2 hours 18 minutes. Horrible, but that was my base line and my very first sprint triathlon. My goal for nationals is 1 hour and 59 minutes. It’s a bit of a lofty goal. My swimming is great but it will be my first triathlon in open water, so I’m assuming I will add time. My cycling has definitely progressed since UBC, (at UBC I had only been on a bike about 8-10 times, that’s for real in total since I lost my leg in 2004). Running, running is going to be the big one for me... at UBC I wore a running leg that wasn’t fitting properly, the run was by far my worst and slowest discipline. The hardest on my body too. Since UBC my prothetist has worked tirelessly to refit and design a new running leg, unfortunately this is a time consuming process of trial and error and my leg is still not complete. He has my leg right now, as I type, and is finishing it. I will hopefully have it by this Friday, May 31st or next Monday, June 3rd... Which means I will only have about 2 ½ weeks to literally “find my running legs” and then it’s go time at Nationals. I know it won’t be my best race, but I am dedicated to my goal of attending and competing and Nationals and beating MY best time. This race is between ME, MYSELF & I, and my little babe is along for the ride J


June 3rdSo this morning I got my new running leg from my wonderful prosthetist (and sponsor). He completely redesigned my socket with his tech at Barber Prosthetics because the design I was on before was way too painful. I went from a skin to suction fit MAS socket to a 5 ring liner hybrid socket. Let me tell you, the difference is like wearing a pair of painful stilettos to wearing a pair for my favourite sneakers. This new leg fits me like a glove. So even though I am starting from scratch with running for the 3rd time in the last year, I am starting off right. I literally have 16 training days to be able to run 5k before the 2013 ITU Paratriathlon Nationals on the 22nd in Edmonton. Sounds nuts, but I whole heartedly know it is doable.


June 6thFeeling yucky??? Tell yourself you are feeling great, get up, get moving, get something healthy and nutritious in your tummy and move on. (This of course is a little different when I am actually REALLY sick or injured, everybody needs rest too!)  So to be super honest I haven’t been feeling that great. I am beyond tried at all times, even after a night of sleep I wake up feeling extreme fatigue and my eyes are super heavy. I don’t sleep the best through the night either, for a couple of weeks I have terrible restless legs and VERY bad phantom pains in my little leg (or residual limb). Now my sleep is disrupted because I get up to pee between 1-3 times a night. To make getting up to pee worse than it already is, our master bedroom is upstairs and our only bathroom is downstairs. So I hop there and scoot down the stairs on my bum. Not the best I know. Thankfully I have an amazing husband and he is in the works to build an ensuite in our master bedroom! Other than feeling super tired I am also finding myself getting really nauseas and dizzy if I am between meals. Instead of eating 6 times a day I am eating about 7 times a day, smaller meals, I have found this helps me feel less nausea. Getting motivated to get my training in when I am nauseas and exhausted hasn’t been an easy feat, but I have managed to just get it done. The truth is once I get going I feel great and the motivation that I am living healthy and being active for TWO really inspires me to keep it up. Nothing is more important to me than a healthy baby and a healthy Mommy, and physical fitness is a major part of that for me. So even when the idea of doing my training is dreadful, I still pull my shit together and do it! J


June 13thWell, aside from the fact that I am insanely tired (literally feel like I have taken a bunch of gravol and some form of sedatives) and I am nauseas as hell and have to eat about 8 times a day to keep the barfiness away, I am feeling great! LOL I don’t have a clue how I am getting my training in... I have never in my life found it this difficult to motivate myself. Once I get motivated and am training I’m golden, but actually getting my ass up... holy shit, not the same as I used to be. Looking forward to 2nd trimester when I apparently will return to my old self, and feel the best during the pregnancy (or so I have read).Today I had my usual 2 workouts, and I got to thinking how crazy it is that I am here. About a week out from competing at nationals, WITH a baby on board. Not the original plan, but like I have said, I stick to my goals even if the path has to be slightly altered. I thought back to the conversation I had with my coach when I told him that I might be throwing a possible pregnancy and motherhood into the mix of training. Saying that I didn’t want to give up my dream of making it to the 2016 Rio Paralympics, but that I also didn’t want to give up my chance of being a Mum. Meyrick, my coach, is a father of 3 beautiful kids so he was whole heartedly supportive. I went back and forth on what I should do, if I should try for a baby now or just wait until after 2016 and roll the dice, with a lesser chance. After weeks of thought, it’s obvious what I chose. But I think back to that conversation and how it helped me make the choice. I mean of course when it came down to it, it was 100% up to Steve and I alone, but knowing that I have support in my goals has been key. Feeling that I was supported, not just by Steve or family, but also by my coach, who has put countless hours into training me, was huge to me. As crazy as I though the idea was then, I’m actually putting my money where my mouth is now, I’m a pregnant triathlete, and as hard as it is some days, it’s worth every second of it. I train for two J


June 17thOk this is a venting post. Can I just say how INCREDIBLY annoying it is to have everyone and their dogs opinion about everything I do voiced as soon as they find out I’m pregnant. PET PEEVE #1 – It is completely healthy and actually beneficial that I am maintaining my training regime while pregnant. If I had a freaking penny for every time I have heard someone say, “you better take it easy” or “are you sure that’s safe for the baby” or “maybe you should work out less”... Or how about “You must eat so much more then you used to”. NO. I’m in my first trimester there is NO reason why I need to be eating double what I ate before, my babe is the size of an olive for god’s sake and even after my first trimester it is only recommended to eat 300 calories more per day (this is NOT a lot). I want my babe to come into this world with a healthy nutritious pallet and a born and bred reality that fitness is part of life. Definitely always part of mine and hopefully something my children will learn to value and love. This speaks for my hubby too, who isn’t a triathlete or health nut of any sort, but absolutely appreciates clean eating and exercise. He eats everything I make him, hits the treadmill a few days a week, throws in a little strength training when he can and that’s good enough for me J So if your reading this and you know you have questioned my training routine or my diet, fear not, I’m 110% healthy and always consult my doctor.


July 1stHAPPY CANADA DAY! Today I am 10 weeks pregnant! Now Steve and I have seen our babe’s heart beat at our first ultra sound a couple weeks ago J I also competed at Nationals bringing home a Gold medal for first place in my class and a Gold medal for National Champion in my class. Other than the fatigue and nausea I am feeling WONDERFUL! Really looking forward to a couple things, our 12 week ultra sound where we get to take another look at our beautiful little babe and ending my first trimester which hopefully means ditching this horrendous fatigue and nausea. I’m done competing for this season (a promise I made to Steve) but I will and have be keeping up with my training, regardless of how low my energy is and how much I really just don’t want to some days! It’s tough! Somehow I still find it in me to get it all done, and afterwards, I am thankful and proud that I did. I want this baby to know the importance of health and fitness and to be raised by a healthy fit mommy. NO EXCUSES PEOPLE, JUST TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOUVE GOT!


July 2nd – SECRETS OUT!!! So we decided to let the cat out of the bag a little earlier, not quite at the 12 week mark. We feel confident in sharing our special news, especially since we have told some family and friends and know that the odds of someone lett8ing it slip are good, we wanted everyone to hear it from us. I am also an open book. I truly enjoy sharing my life experiences. If you don’t like it, tough, don’t read my blog, facebook updates or any other social media outlets. I’ve always found it healthy to share my struggles and strengths, as I have found inspiration in reading and learning about other people’s journeys. I plan on keeping up with my training and baby progress, so if you like; you can experience it with me.


Yours truly,




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